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Accounting services, financial reporting and assurance

Training and consulting on IFRS and IAS-SP

We are your best ally in the process of implementation of the International Financial reporting Standards – IFRS, or International Accounting Standards for the Public Sector NIC – SP.

We provide the necessary accompaniment to your company to have an accounting system that is adjusted to the new technical frameworks in Colombia is regulated by the Decree 2420 of 2015, and resolutions 743 2013, 414, 2014, and 533 of 2015, issued by the Accountant General of the Nation (public sector).

Why ACS?

  • Our consultants have a wide experience in the implementation of the new technical frameworks in different entities, and in the vast majority of economic sectors (including multinational and government).
  • We know the best way to advance the processes of consulting and training in these areas.
  • We apply leading practices in the market, according to standards widely accepted in the international context.
  • We have the leadership of our managing partner, a leader in the art that for eight years he has participated directly in the construction of policy proposals for the convergence towards international standards from the Technical Council of Public Accounting.
  • Because our team of professionals has a process of ongoing training that has allowed them to be recognized in the academic and professional setting colombian and international.
What can we do for you?
  • Consulting in the process of conversion to the new frameworks and technical regulatory financial information
  • Training through courses designed to fit your needs.
  • Issuance of technical concepts on the specific application of the new standards.
  • Design manual of accounting policies specific to your organization.
  • Accompaniment in the redesign of a manual of procedures.
  • Consulting in the preparation of Financial statements under the new technical frameworks.
  • Consulting in the preparation of the disclosures required by the new technical frameworks.

Statutory Audit

We are your ally in the exercise of Statutory Audit under an approach based on International Standards of Audit and Assurance.

Why ACS?

  • We provide a comprehensive approach to Statutory Audit.
What can we do for you?

We develop the control activities and assurance required by the Code of Commerce and the Annex 4 of the Decree 2420 of 2015, which incorporate the International Standards of Audit and Assurance for the purpose of issuing an opinion that includes:

  • Opinion on the Financial statements.
  • Opinion on Internal Control.
  • Opinion on the compliance with legal and regulatory.

  • Report on the issues under control.

  • Our mission: to verify compliance with the statutes and legal provisions. That the operations conform to the law and to the decisions of the competent bodies.

External Audit

We provide the strategic support that you require. Our approach and our working methodology is a guarantee of management.

We follow international standards of quality assurance and technical criteria of cutting-edge defined by the international network of which we are a part, SMS Latin america.

We have a team of auditors that account with trusted expertise in audit processes and that takes training processes and training permanent.

About SMS

Since 2008, SMS Latin america has been admitted as a full member of the Forum of Firms, an independent committee of IFAC (International Federation of Accountants), a grouping of firms in the world that operate under international standards on auditing and quality control.

SMS Latin america has a presence in all the countries of the region and international partnerships with networks of high international prestige, which enables us to meet the needs of our customers in any part of the world.

Internal Audit

We provide the best service for you entrust to us (via outsourcing) the internal audit of the company.

We have a team of professionals in audit with extensive experience in this type of management. In addition, they participate in a permanent cycle of training and training that facilitates the efficient management of the audit process.

In this way your company is released to the economic costs, infrastructure and logistics of having a team of audit itself. Such a decision also favors an objective perspective of the model of integrated work that involves the activities of evaluation and monitoring, key to the quality of the Internal Control System and the increase in the efficiency of operations.

Consulting for firms in the application of the NIGC1 and NIGC2

For firms of certified public accountants or independent professionals, the gap between ensuring a performance diligent and not do it is in the application of the requirements set forth in the International Standard for quality management –NICC 1-.

This is a seal of assurance professional in the provision of services of auditing tax, audit, review of financial statements, accounting outsourcing, and related services and other activities accounting.

Having a system for the management of quality is a requirement provisions of the Decree 2420 of 2015 (Annex 4).

Why choose our offer

  • “Our experience in consulting in quality control and management for firms of certified public accountants.
  • By the competence of our team of professionals, recognized in the academic environment, and business.
  • For that we apply leading practices in the market.
  • By our experience in multinational companies.
  • For our international support.
  • By our guarantee of confidentiality in the performance as a pair of professional.

What is required by International Standards of Quality Management NIGC1 and NIGC2

  • Assessment of quality risks of the firm.
  • Guidelines on corporate governance and leadership.
  • Establishment of the ethics policy internal.
  • Conditions of acceptance and continuation of clients.
  • Management of the quality of the orders.
  • Resources required by the System of Quality Management (QMS).
  • Requirements of information and communication.
  • Procedures for monitoring and correction.

What can we do for you?

  • Training for the implementation of the NIGC1 and NIGC2. quality management is a systematic process in which they should be committed all the members of a firm of certified public accountants. We can train your team of collaborators on the items and the contents of a system of quality management in accordance with the requirements of the NIGC1 and NIGC2 included in the Decree 2420 of 2015.
  • Advice in the assembly of the system of quality management of the firm. It is necessary to have a methodology for the design and implementation of the system of quality management. We accompany your firm in the definition and assembly of the system, including the development of manuals and procedures of quality management.
  • Service par for the professional management review of the quality. The Decree 2420 of 2015 requires that all certified public accountants (firms or freelancers) to apply the NIGC1 and NIGC2 if you develop works that adhere to this standard.

Do you meet any of the following orders?

  • External audit services or auditing tax.
  • Assurance services in other subjects
  • Services related to underwriting: conversion of financial statements, business valuation, due diligence, review of financial information, among other services.

If the answer is yes, then you should apply NIGC1 and NIGC2. If your firm does not have a partner to perform quality reviews, mutual, you must have a signature to be able to do that review. Account with us.

Certifications. Through our network SMS Latin america, you can request evaluation processes of the quality management of the firm that would allow the issuance of a certification of compliance.

Other business services

Advice on Taxes

What doubts in front of their tax obligations? Our team of tax experts is able to provide the best advice to obtain benefits under the applicable law and avoid penalties for malpractice, evasion or avoidance.

In summary, relying on ACS, you get the peace of mind prosecutor to look for as you focus on making your company get the desired results and grows.

What can we do for you?

We provide the following solutions:

  • Consultancy in tax. Understand your obligations and rights on the basis of knowledge and interpretation of the tax rules.
  • Tax planning. Optimize the performance of your business based on the knowledge and planning of the impact of the operations of your company.
  • International taxation. Optimize your cross-border business from a holistic approach that understands the aspects of tax, customs and currency.
  • Tax obligations of the national, departmental, and/or municipal. Know the amount of their obligations to the knowledge of the rules that apply and the existing case-law.
  • Credit management. Improve the financial capacity of your company from the planning: periodic evaluation of the results projected in order to avoid the accumulation of balances in favor with the collecting societies, and the assurance of his recovery.
  • Mergers and acquisitions. Aliviane the tax burden resulting from the reorganization.
  • Contentious. Effective strategies to protect their rights against the claims of physical, national, departmental and/or municipal.

Corporate Finance

Maximize the value of your company through our counsel.

Through our corporate finance work in coordination with SMS Latin america to offer a comprehensive service that will allow them to optimize their financial indicators, to assist you in your search for capital and facilitate their investment projects.

What can we do for you?

  • Advice on company valuation.
  • Advice on financing investment projects.
  • Advice on capital market.
  • Mergers and acquisitions advisory.
  • Advice on the management of assets and liabilities.
  • Advice on incentives and tax benefits.

BPO – Business Process Outsourcing

At ACS we are able to assume the following processes. For this we have a team of experts for each subject.

What can we do for you?
  • Personnel management.
  • Payroll liquidation.
  • Liquidation of social charges.
  • Accounting information on Payroll.
  • Payroll administration of expatriate staff.
  • Calculation of income tax.

Risk Management system

At ACS we are interested in providing value-added solutions to the levels of management in organizations. We want to contribute to improve its key indicators and, consequently, the performance of the organization.

Why choose our offer

Through our team of professionals we provide a pragmatic approach to risk management that has an impact on:

  • The protection of the resources applied to their operation.
  • The identification of opportunities to maximize your potential
  • The optimization of the key competencies of your organization.

What can we do for you?

Our model is designed to:

Control of stocks and other assets

  • Disclosure of the policy compliance of stores and stowage in own warehouses, logistics operators and/or distributors.
  • Count of quantities, reconciliation of accounting records, and analysis of games conciliatory and inventory differences.
  • Control of branch offices of the transport and logistics chain.
  • Control of deliveries in branches, exchanges and returns for channel sales.

Audit branch

  • Revelation of the compliance policies and best practices.
  • Control on the advances and accounting of expenses for transportation.
  • Implementation of schemes rotary controls from the design to the measure.

Control over processes outsourcing

  • Monitoring of the compliance obligations, labor and pensions.
  • Review of statements of assets and framing convention.

Control of income over the employees

  • Identification of contractual risks and other interest groups.
  • Review of contractual compliance.
  • Review of the recruitment process.
  • Disclosure of relationships of dependence covert.

Transfer pricing

In cross-border business, you can count on us to maximize the results of the company from the proper planning of the inter-company transactions. Remember that today these are the main objective of the policy control.

Through our team of experts is equipped with a counseling systemic and integral.

What can we do for you?
  • Advising on the development of the policy of transfer pricing.
  • Analysis of transactions intercompany in your business. Previous advice and continuous carried out in conjunction with SMS Latin america.
  • Planning and control of your presentations from the follow-up to its obligations, and changes in the regulations that impact.
  • Advice and assistance in the process of audit by the tax authorities.
  • Documentation of transactions intercompany.
  • Production of a report on transfer pricing from the guidelines of the OECD and the DIAN.
  • Preparation and readiness documentary for the fulfillment of its obligations in respect of transfer pricing.

Services, due diligence and valuation of companies.

We have experience in business valuation and due diligence processes of the business. We offer a quality service at an affordable cost.

Why ACS?

  • We have experience in evaluating processes of SMES and due diligence of acquisition.
  • We know the best practices to develop successful processes.
  • We have a team of legal and accounting trained to achieve results highly reliable.
  • Our valuation techniques and evaluation of the legal reality, accounting and business ensure conclusions are reliable in the decision of acquisition or sale of businesses.

What can we do for you?

  • Determination of the economic value of companies.
  • Audit of business valuation.
  • Due diligence integral to the acquisition, or sale of SMES.
  • Audit of purchase of companies.

Smes and start-ups

We are able to offer the services that require companies at a reasonable cost. We have a dedicated team whose purpose is to maximize their utility with a professional management of your accounting and tax obligations and planned work.

Why choose our offer

Because the holistic approach of our proposal and the ability of our professionals allow us to provide the necessary accompaniment to accompany companies in their various stages of growth.

Also, thanks to our network of firms SMS Latin american Smes have a key strategic information to start new businesses, local and/or regional.

What can we do for you?

Our offer includes:

  • Comprehensive guidance for the development of new business.
  • Tax planning and projections in family businesses for decision making.
  • Advice and planning tax benefits and pensions for civil partnerships and the foundation.
  • Advice and assistance in the processes of control of tax and social security in order to mitigate its impact.
  • Preparation of annual tax returns and monthly that allow you to optimize the time invested internally in the fulfillment of the obligations periodic demanded by the physical, national, departmental and municipal.
  • Diagnosis of gaps in the management of the SMES and business recommendations to improve the performance.

Business Risk Management

We have an expert team that gives enterprises a model for the identification and control of the risks of business, improvement of its processes and addressing new opportunities.

We provide cost-effective solutions, professional and of great quality in terms of cost-benefit.

What can we do for you?

  • Regulatory compliance (including SOX) and contractual. Strengthening of the image, and confidence in the company. Access to new business.
  • Enterprise risk management, implementation of management systems and good practices. Members of the company processes and acting in a systematic way. Focus on the objectives of the company, avoiding incurring the cost of “not to be fulfilled”.
  • Design, rationalization, reengineering and benchmarking processes. Continuous improvement by eliminating cost overruns. Identification of the “best of market” and approach to work to achieve that ideal.
  • Design, implementation and monitoring of projects such as ethics or complaint channel, new areas of work and management control. Know and avoid hidden losses.
  • Internal audit –outsourcing, risk assessment, counseling, identification of indicators of fraud, continuous monitoring, and “early warnings”.
  • To implement a control framework is effective and efficient to prevent the major risks and their effects.
  • Corporate governance. Strengthen and disseminate the culture, ethics and behaviour, within and outside of the company. To secure new business and strengthen the corporate image.


We understand sustainability from a systemic and holistic, and we prepared for it. We have a professional team to do so.

At ACS we understand that a sustainable business includes three instances: to do, to report and to ensure. Our offering comprises services for these stages.

What can we do for you?


  • Design and implementation of sustainability strategies and responsibility appropriate to the reality of the company.
  • Design and implementation of programs of local development: strengthening of local organizations, support for entrepreneurs, cooperatives and clusters of micro and small enterprises.
  • Development and implementation of business models, inclusive, and competitive value.
  • Review current policies to identify areas of opportunity and improvement.
  • Regulatory compliance and best practices in social and environmental.
  • Training, capacity audit and value chains.


  • Assistance in the preparation of sustainability reports according to the international guidelines of the United Nations Global Compact – GRI and ISO 26.000.
  • Development of reports under the guidelines of the Integrated Report of the International Integrated Reporting Council


  • Audit reports: assurance of sustainability reports, giving them greater confidence to users of the same.
  • Audit and Due Diligence of aspects that involve environmental issues and social.
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